What is SEO ?
S - SearchE - Engine
O - Optimization
Abbreviation is "Search Engine Optimization"
SEO is a combination of methods to increase the visibility of the site in various search engines and increase the amount of visitors to a site to rank high in search results to a search engine.The higher a Website ranks in the results of search, the greater the chance that the site will be visited by a user.
SEO - Search Engine Optimization
- SEO has tricks and techniques for improving visibility of web pages in the different Search Engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing etc.
- SEO has techniques to get many visitors from search engines and get high page rank in search engines for websites.
- Finally, in easy way, SEO is way of improving and growth of your business through internet.
SEO has applied in two ways:
- White Hat SEO
- Black Hat SEO
- White Hat SEO called as "Good Guy" SEO
- Black Hat SEO called as "Bad Guy" SEO
SEO Parts:
SEO is divided mainly two vital parts:1. On page Optimization
2. Off Page Optimization
On Page Optimization which cover all the activities which perform in the website and act in the website.
Off Page Optimization which covers all the activities which are perform for website not in website. It's called "Link building" for website.
Generally in this blog I want to cover all the activities which are perform in the SEO and new updates for search engine like Google.
Why SEO..?
- Search engine optimization is a technique where you make your pages as easy to read by search engine robots as it is for your customers to read. And once your pages are easy to read by the robots, they can determine what your page is about, and rank it in their database.
- Search Engine Robots are programs that navigate the Website automatically. I think Many people are used SEO for "Organic Results".
- Organic Result are terms of SEO which means the result for that you never pay money to the search engines, but your website is top of the search engine result. And it stays on long time.
Search isn’t just about search, it is about understanding your audience’s language and needs. It may start with search, but it reaches so much further.