
Sunday, March 11, 2012

NoFollow and DoFollow Links in SEO

In Todays SEO the basic craze about the dofollow links. If you are starting your career in SEO then it's very necessary to know about the DoFollow and NoFollow links.

Mostly people know the basic fundamentals of dofollow and nofollow links in SEO.But they don't know the important of these links in SEO.

Here I have covered basic knowledge of do follow and no follow links for beginner of SEO and their importance in SEO.

Before I am starting about these links.I want to explain the attribute of links which is telling the bots or spider of search engine which links are passed the value and which is not.

The link structure in HTML represent by <a> tag:

for example:

<a href="">Free SEO List</a>

<a> tag or link tag has one attribute name called 'rel'

If rel="nofollow" then that links become NoFollow link.

<a href=" rel="nofollow">Free SEO List</a>

For DoFollow links there is no any specification in the attribute of the link structure.It's look like following
<a href="">Free SEO List</a>

No specification available in this link it's called DoFollow link.

If the webmaster wants to add all link as no follow they can use this code in robots.txt
<meta name=”robots” content=”nofollow” />

Role of NoFollow and DoFollow Links in SEO:

The links which has NoFollow attribute means search engine would not cache and index this type of links. They are really useful for websites owner to indetify the spams or potential spam links.

The links which has DoFollow attribute means search engine would cache, follow and index this type of links. A link that has DoFollow attribute its count as a backlink. They are really useful for the ranking of website in search engine, for generating the traffics towards your websites.

The question come in mind that how we identify NoFollow and Dofollow links?

  • I have solution for that to identify nofollow and dofollow links, for firefox user,Firefox has one addon name is "nodofollow".
  • By this addon, if links color will come purple then they are nofollow links and If blue then they are dofollow links.


  1. Wow. That’s my evening planned out! I’m gonna go through each of these steps one by one Amazing useful information Kaiser – thanks!

  2. Thanks for the awesome information about dofollow and nofollow. Now i can that seo expert i hired performing what type of link building for me.
